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Particle analyzer BAM1006

Particle analyzer BAM1006

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CONTINUOUS PARTICULATE MONITOR BAM1006 adopts the principle of B-ray absorption to measure the paricle concentration. The resultis accurate and reliable.

The monitoring and data management are operated by the microcomputer system , which is able to inspect continuously



CONTINUOUS PARTICULATE MONITOR BAM1006 adopts the principle of B-ray absorption to measure the paricle concentration. The resultis accurate and reliable.

The monitoring and data management are operated by the microcomputer system , which is able to inspect continuously


Mainly used in air qualty monitoring networks, mobile monitoring stations, envronmental research,industrial and mining enterprises, researchinstitutes and other fields.


  • beta ray attenuationmethod to measure TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1
  • 7"LED display
  • Data storage: storage capacity can reach to 1,000,000. 0n board storage for over 3 years of data
  • Keyboard input: easy input, man-machine dialogue mode
  • One channel for sampling and analysis in case of any error caused by paper feed
  • Automatic fault diagnosis and alarms, also capable of fixing errors remotely.
  • Multi interface output: analog output, current output, relay output
Measured entity dust,particle
Application domain monitoring,process
Measured value concentration,temperature,pressure
Configuration benchtop,online,in situ,probe
Mode of use automatic
Protection level IP65,weatherproof
Other characteristics continuous,real-time,digital,calibration,sampling,high-performance,control,simultaneous,cost-effective,data acquisition,dynamic,with touchscreen,mass flow control,extractive,ecological,with data logger temperature control
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